100% Local Plastic Palette and Plastic Crate

Why Plastic Pallet and Plastic Crate?

Do you use wooden pallets and plan to use plastic pallets in the future? Do new legal regulations for your industry require you to use hygienic, clean loading equipment? Or are you wondering if plastic pallets can provide functional and financial benefits in your supply chain? We will help you check if the transition from wood to plastic pallet is suitable for you.

Recycling for Our Environment

Plastik Paletlerimizin We make most of our pallets from recycled plastic. Used plastics do not need to be heat treated by providing additional CO2 emissions to the environment. In addition, our products can be recycled again and again without losing their technical and functional features. Unlike wooden pallets, our plastic pallets can be used repeatedly, even after going through the circulation several times. This is how we stay in the ecological circle.

Design according to the demands of our valued customers

Plastic Pallet Pallet requirements and needs are as variable as the industries used. For this reason, besides our standard products, the nature, shape, features, usage areas, dimensions and forms vary. For this reason, we also develop custom designs without higher costs than necessary. We design all our development and production processes for you in our own molding and production facilities under one roof.
plastik palet ve plastik kasa

Elite Plast

Established in 2014 with its own equity, Elite Plast has joined the group of companies. However, by starting the production of plastic pallets and crates, it serves our customers operating in different sectors. Consequently, it continues to provide services with the most suitable solutions for different needs and demands. Moreover, our hygienic pallet and crate products are manufactured suitable for food contact. Furthermore, they can be used and preferred by all food and pharmaceutical sector companies. In fact, we provide the most suitable solution for our customers who use plastic pallets for heavy load and export purposes. For this reason, it is produced in our factory located in Tekirdağ / Muratlı with high technology machines and control equipment, with 15,000 m² open and 7,000 m² closed area. Additionally, from our administrative office, sales, and storage center located in Istanbul / Bahçeşehir, it is shipped to 32 different countries. Elite Plast firmasının grup şirketlerine katılmıştır. Ancak, plastik palet ve kasa üretimine başlayarak farklı sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren müşterilerimize hizmet vermektedir.  Sonuç olarak, farklı ihtiyaç ve taleplere en uygun çözümlerle hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, hijyenik palet ve kasa ürünlerimiz gıda temasına uygun üretilmektedir. Dahası, tüm gıda ve ilaç sektörü firmaları tarafından kullanılabilmekte ve tercih edilmektedir. Hatta, ağır yük ve ihracata yönelik plastik palet kullanımı olan müşterilerimize en uygun çözümü sunmaktayız. Bu sebeple, yüksek teknoloji makine ve kontrol ekipmanları ile 15.000 m² açık 7000 m² kapalı alanı ile Tekirdağ / Muratlı ’da bulunan fabrikamızda üretilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, İstanbul / Bahçeşehir ’de bulunan idari ofis, satış ve depolama merkezimizden 32 farklı ülkeye sevk edilmektedir.